Milnor Community Service Spotlight: Complete Equestrian Vaulters
Everyday, our patients continue to amaze us. With so much talent and an endless supply of energy, our team can’t help but support our patients to the fullest. This month, we wanted to take some time to highlight a very special organization in our area and a special patient who is involved with this organization. In our Milnor community service spotlight, we’d like to talk about Complete Equestrian Vaulters and the impact they are making not only on their participants, but on the local community as well.
About Complete Equestrian Vaulters
Beginning in 2009, Complete Equestrian Vaulters emerged as a competitive equestrian team, stemming from veteran coach Nicole Rau’s summer riding programs. With a desire for more, her participants quickly embraced the competitive edge, focusing on teamwork and having fun. As the program quickly grew, Complete Equestrian Vaulters became a non-profit organization in November 2012. Focusing on community outreach, as well as competitions and clinics, the program was also able to invest in top-notch care for the horses and better practice equipment as well.
With a mission to increase awareness and participation in vaulting, combined with giving back to the community, Complete Equestrian Vaulters has created a winning program that greatly benefits the Northern Colorado area. Milnor Orthodontics is a proud supporter of the program, as well as one of its participants, Lily Lacy. Her mother (and biggest supporter), Charla, speaks about Lily and her love of the sport.
“Lily started equestrian vaulting a little over two years ago. She has always loved horses and had participated in some prior riding classes before being introduced to horse vaulting during a demonstration at the county fair. After her first vaulting instruction class, she was hooked.”
What Complete Equestrian Vaulters Offers
Complete Equestrian Vaulters offers the following to its participants to help them further their expertise in the sport:
- Vaulting lessons
- Clinics
- Scholarship programs
Vaulters ages three and up have the chance to be a part of the program and can choose to vault in a group environment or privately. Scholarships are also available to those who want to take their skills to the next level, and clinics are offered in a multitude of formats, including:
- Therapeutic
- Recreational
- Competitive
- Harmony with the Horse
- Safe Dismounts
This helps participants better their skills and become more confident on the horse and in the sport in general.
Supporting Complete Equestrian Vaulters
As the Milnor Orthodontics team continues to support this organization, others can as well. Through donations, sponsorships, volunteering and more, Complete Equestrian Vaulters can continue to get the resources needed in order to help riders become a step above the rest in a team environment.
Charla comments about how Complete Equestrian Vaulters has impacted her daughter: “As a parent, I appreciate the value of Lily learning perseverance and how to work with others, all while enjoying a unique and fun sport.”
To learn more about Complete Equestrian Vaulters or to get involved, please visit https://www.cevaulters.org/.
At Milnor Orthodontics, our experts are here to help you achieve a priceless smile. Call our office at (970) 484-3214 or visit milnororthodontics.com to learn more. We're located at 1103 S. Shields St. in Fort Collins, Colorado.