Braces-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes!

Braces friendly pumpkin pie

November has officially arrived and the holiday season is upon us, so let’s talk turkey! At Milnor Orthodontics, we are thankful all year long to have such amazing patients, so we wanted to share some of Dr. Milnor’s favorite Thanksgiving recipes with you! And yes, they’re all braces approved. Enjoy! Family Friendly Recipes: SAUSAGE, CORNBREAD…

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Getting Through Thanksgiving with Braces

Turkey Thanksgiving Dinner

The holidays are right around the corner and with them, an abundance of very tasty food! Don’t fret – braces are not going to affect your ability to indulge yourself in the coming season too much. Thanksgiving can easily be navigated as long as you’re still maintaining the regular braces maintenance routines. You will have…

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Are Braces Going to Ruin My Halloween?

Halloween with braces

Halloween is just around the corner, so you know what that means?! Candy on candy on candy!  Halloween is basically a time for you to dress up and indulge in your favorite sweet treats with no shame, but if you have braces, things might have to be a little different this year (or until you’re…

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Drinking Soda with Braces

Drinking soda with braces

We all like to indulge in a little unhealthy treat on occasion, but with braces, you should be more aware of the things you’re consuming . Soda is already a pretty unhealthy beverage and really shouldn’t be consumed regularly, no matter what. If you have braces, there are even more risks in consuming it. Drinking…

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