How to Limit Sugar While You Have Braces

Braces & sugar

Getting braces is a super exciting event in your life, but you should make sure to be extra careful about the foods you’re eating while you have braces. Braces make cleaning your teeth a little more difficult than normal, so limiting your intake of sugar is crucial in maintaining great oral health. Certain foods can…

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Can You Drink Monster with Braces?

drink monster with braces

For some people, their day can revolve around energy drinks like Monster. For those with braces or Invisalign retainers, sipping these sugary beverages can have adverse effects on their smiles.  Can You Drink Monster with Braces? Energy drinks like Monster, Bang, and Red Bull have a high acidity content and contain lots of sugar. The…

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Best Easter Treats for Braces

easter treats for braces

Your orthodontist might not be best pals with the Easter Bunny, but they certainly don’t have to be enemies either (with your help at least). We know it’s hard to avoid all of the delicious goodies that seem to stare at you in every aisle this time of year. While you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, your…

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5 Summer Desserts that Won’t Break Your Braces

Enjoy these 5 summer desserts without damaging your braces in Ft Collins CO

While eating high amounts of sugar is something to avoid, we all have to satisfy our sweet tooth every once in a while. And with the summer season in full swing, this is the perfect time to find new, fun dessert ideas for an outdoor barbecue or picnic in the sun. But if you have…

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Is Diet Soda Better for My Teeth than Regular Soda?

Diet soda, regular soda, water soda. Oh my! Is it good for your teeth?

When you start orthodontic treatment, you’ll need to get used to some food restrictions and new cleaning routines. While these may seem demanding or inconvenient, they will be well worth it since you’ll avoid tooth decay and keep your treatment on track. One common question patients have when they have braces or Invisalign is whether…

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Enjoying Valentine’s Day with Braces or Invisalign

You can still have a fun valentine's day with braces and invisalign

You’ve got your red outfit on, your valentines ready to hand out, and you’re looking forward to a day of sweet fun this Valentine’s Day. If this is your first Valentine’s Day with braces or Invisalign, you may be apprehensive about how the day is going to go. With all the sweets and treats, how…

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Having Braces and Eating Breakfast

eating breakfast with braces

Breakfast—the most important meal of the day. So why are many of us rushing off and skipping this part of our day so often? Breakfast should be taken seriously, but if you have braces, you may be struggling to find the right foods that work with your braces. Although braces are generally easy to get…

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Don’t Let the Thought of Getting Braces Scare You This Halloween

Halloween with braces can still be fun in Ft Collins CO

Spooky season is upon us! Cue the ghosts, goblins and ghouls! If you’re about to get braces, you may be upset about the fact that you’ll have them for Halloween. After all, you won’t be able to enjoy any candy or have fun dressing up with new braces on your teeth, right? Wrong! Having braces…

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Eating with Invisalign

Woman with Invisalign retainer before eating

So, you’ve just gotten started with your orthodontic treatment and you’re going the Invisalign route. Or perhaps you’re doing research on Invisalign before you start treatment. Either way, here’s some information on eating with Invisalign. The Basics of Invisalign For the most part, Invisalign does the same things as braces, but more discreetly. It’s also…

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