cost of braces

What Factors Determine the Cost of Braces?

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment, with children, teens, and adults using them to get straighter, healthier smiles. With the frequency of use, braces have become more financially accessible to patients through partial insurance coverage, payment plans, and discounted sibling treatment. If you are considering getting braces for yourself or one of your children, read the factors below that determine the cost of braces. 

Is the initial consultation free or included in the cost of braces?

Almost every orthodontic office, including Milnor Orthodontics, offers a patient’s initial consultation for free. At this first appointment, your orthodontist will take pictures of your mouth and review the necessary treatment steps. Financial plans will also be discussed, but this first appointment should not be included in the cost. If it is, consider switching to another orthodontic office; it’s important to find the right place to get treatment and you shouldn’t have to pay to find out if a practice is a good fit. 

How long you wear braces

A big factor in determining the cost of braces is how long you need to wear them. Most orthodontists will recommend a period of around 18 months to three years, depending on the severity of your dental issues. Obviously, a shorter treatment time means less appointments and, most likely, less orthodontic appliances, which add up to a smaller bill. A factor in this is also how much you adhere to the orthodontist’s treatment plan. If you continually miss appointments or don’t follow their advice for caring for your braces, you will need to wear the braces longer and have more appointments to fix any issues. 

What type of braces you have

The most popular type of braces for younger children are the traditional metal braces, which are also often the least expensive. While these braces are noticeable and may make someone feel self-conscious while wearing them, the lower cost is enough to sway some parents to purchase these for their children.

Two other options are ceramic braces and Invisalign. Ceramic braces work the same way as metal braces, but they are made out of material the same color as your teeth. This makes them much less noticeable than silver braces, which can make them appealing for older teens and adults. The same goes for Invisalign, which consists of two removable plastic trays that are virtually invisible and can be removed while eating or during special events. While often more expensive, Milnor Orthodontics offers them for the same cost as silver braces.

If you have dental insurance

While most dental insurance won’t cover the complete cost of braces, many of them will cover part of it. This can be a huge benefit for those looking to get orthodontic treatment, as some insurances cover as much as 50% of the total cost. Before meeting with your orthodontist, call your insurance company to ask about how they handle the cost of braces.

If you have questions about paying for braces, please contact Milnor Orthodontics! We’ll be happy to meet with you and answer any questions you have. 


At Milnor Orthodontics, our experts are here to help you achieve a priceless smile. Call our office at (970) 484-3214 or visit to learn more. We're located at 1103 S. Shields St. in Fort Collins, Colorado.