Can I Use My Tax Refund to Pay for Braces?
The new year means more than just making resolutions and changing the calendar. That’s right, you’ll once again be getting your tax return! I mean, what could be more exciting?
While filing taxes isn’t typically people’s idea of a good time, it does mean getting a tax refund for many people, which is definitely something to look forward to. And if you’ve been thinking about getting orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign, getting a good refund on your taxes could be a great way to make treatment more affordable.
Can I Use My Tax Refund to Pay for Orthodontic Treatment?
If you’re still wondering how to spend your tax refund and you’ve never gotten around to getting braces or Invisalign, then spending your refund on orthodontic treatment could be the right move.
The best part is that it’s likely you won’t even have to spend your whole refund on your orthodontic treatment since there are lots of options to make treatment more affordable. Many dental insurance policies cover part of the cost of orthodontic treatment, and you can often apply flexible spending account (FSA) funds or health savings account (HSA) funds to the cost of your braces or Invisalign.
Another excellent way to make your treatment more affordable is to use OrthoFi, a convenient orthodontic financing platform. You can pick an affordable down payment and use a sliding scale to choose your monthly payments. And of course, if you have a tax refund, you’ll be able to put more money down or use it toward your monthly payments.
Which Orthodontic Treatment Should I Spend My Refund On?
There are more options for effective orthodontic treatment than ever. One great option to look into is custom braces. This modern solution for braces is made specifically to fit your teeth perfectly, which is an upgrade from traditional braces that use existing pieces to fit onto your teeth. Not only will you need fewer checkups when you get custom braces, but you will also get finished with treatment sooner since this treatment option is more efficient at moving your teeth.
You should also see if Invisalign is right for you. This advanced clear orthodontic treatment is better than ever because it can treat tougher cases that used to require braces. This means you may find you qualify for it now even if you weren’t able to get it previously. Invisalign allows you to get your perfect smile without worrying about food restrictions or having visible brackets. And when you apply your tax refund toward the price, you can make it more affordable.
If you mostly need minor to moderate corrections, Invisalign Lite could be right for you. And since this shortened version of Invisalign is completed in six to seven months, you’ll be finished before the next tax season even comes around.
If you only need one or two small orthodontic adjustments, you can complete treatment in less than six months with Invisalign Express. Since this version of Invisalign is the shortest and the least expensive, your tax refund may cover the whole cost.
To see if orthodontic treatment is right for you, contact Milnor Orthodontics today and schedule your free consultation!
At Milnor Orthodontics, our experts are here to help you achieve a priceless smile. Call our office at (970) 230-3187 or visit milnororthodontics.com to learn more. We're located at 1103 S. Shields St. in Fort Collins, Colorado.